For those of you not familiar with the terminal I wrote a simple application, that lets you disable and enable backups for the iPhone/ipod touch with a single mouse click.

Download DisableBackup

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher


This only works on the mac. Windows Users click here.

60 Responses to “Disable slow iTunes Backups for iPhone/ipod touch with a single mouseclick”

  1. Thanks! Nice post.

  2. SOS! My auto was broken on ave. Should I call to repairs or police?

  3. wonderful post))

  4. what a nice story..

  5. Great tool. Before it took hours to synchronize my iPod touch, no joke. Thanks a lot!

  6. Thank you thank you


  1. [FYI]ITunes: L
  2. Tired of the LONG iPhone/iTouch Backup process? | RecKonerZ™
  3. [Win + Mac]iTunes Backup des iPod Touch deaktivieren! at Eknoes Blog
  4. [Mac + Win]Tutorial: Automatisches iTunes Backup ausschalten | TouchBlog - Der Blog zum iPod touch

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