For many people just changing the APN settings to something random still works to disable EDGE on iPhone 2.0. However, if your SIM card is from a supported carrier, the iPhone will not present any settings to let you change the APN configuration. I found a quite easy way to disable EDGE even on those phones. You don’t need the terminal, a jailbreak or something else for it..
The only thing you have to do is to download the following file:
Profile for disabling EDGE
Next attach this file to an email and send it to an account you receive on your iphone. Open the email containing this file, click on the attachment. You will be presented with a screen that shows you some information. Click install and the APN settings are changed. EDGE should now be deactivated. An alternative way is to download the file directly from MobileSafari.
How can you create this profile yourself:
1. Download the iphone configuration utilitiy: Download This is an offical, free Apple tool.
2. Create a new “Configuration Profile” and click on the “Advanced Setting” to set the APN information for EDGE. After you have done that export the profile, send it per mail to your iphone and install it as described above.
Hint: To switch EDGE on and off just create two profiles and save them in a folder in your mailbox. Just by selecting the right profile and installing it you can enable and disable EDGE.
I hope that helps all of you using the iPhone without a flatrate for data.
July 28th, 2008 at 12:04 pm
You can just install BossPrefs (available in Cydia) and toggle on/off EDGE (and 3G, too) 🙂
August 3rd, 2008 at 9:27 pm
Hi, i need ask about ver.2 iphone.
i have 3G sim contract in UK, put not working on ver. 1.1.4 or 2.0
and when i try the old sim card is working and network shown name is orang. my qustion: how can work the 3G sim in iphone .. any vergion.?
many thanks
August 6th, 2008 at 1:05 am
Did not work for me.
I even installed a complete profile with all my e-mail and wifi settings, but Edge is still getting on, once there is no wifi around.
Any ideas why?
August 6th, 2008 at 1:14 am
Wrong. After a restart, the E is still in the corner, but when I try to access the Internet I can’t. Good thing!
August 6th, 2008 at 1:18 am
Yes, the E only shows that Edge is available on your network in general. It does not mean that your phone can actually use the EDGE connection!
August 14th, 2008 at 1:43 am
Forgive me for asking what might be dumb question.
So if I understand correctly, If I turn off the 3G and use the above method and turn off Edge, my phone CANNOT download any data. I am then effectively forcing it to use wifi only (assuming wifi is available).
I ask this as what I want to avoid is ANY connection other than wireless. I do NOT want to incur data charges.
But of course that brings me to my second question. If I have both networks turned off, will I be able to make/receive phone calls?
August 21st, 2008 at 8:31 am
Steve- I tried this out on my 1st gen iphone tonight, and I’m able to make calls even though EDGE is off. However, I suspect that it will stop text messages from coming in and visual voicemail from functioning properly.
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:50 pm
Thank you so much for the tip. I was affraid of having to go through Cydia or Installer and all that mess to get that done.
Now I have both of my configurations on a web folder for anytime I need them.
Once again, thank you so much.
September 16th, 2008 at 3:48 am
A much easier way is on (Canadians rule!lol:p)This method actually work on software version 2.1 i have tested! .reply to matt, actually the text messaging is not affected due to the fact it works the same as cell phone calls it transmitts signals to the cell towers, not using the edge network (which also transmitts from cell towers). Please email me at subject “iphone help” if u need any help!
September 16th, 2008 at 5:28 am
How can I enable it again!.
September 30th, 2008 at 11:56 pm…..iphone-3g/
that works for me =) as posted by Jeffrey
im in Canada, i got an iphone 3G with Rogers SIM, version 2.1, locked, not jailbroken, i just went to that website (through EDGE), and I downloeaded the file. Now, i dont get any EDGE data used at all, which was a big concern for me, and wifi works great!!! no more ridiculous edge fees!!! so yea im just confirming that it works. The only thing i dont like is that you cant toggle it on or off (not from what i see), so if i ever REALLY need to use edge, then i think i need to remove that application…
December 22nd, 2008 at 2:44 pm
Dear All it is so simple to disable EDGE…..go to network and EDGE and put Values in EDGE APN as 123 in all three boxs and then return ..
Now ur edge is disable and Save ur bill..
Best Regards,
Muhammad Shahzad Sarwar
December 27th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
I have tried all these things but nothings disables the EDGE network.
I have a locked not jailbroken iphone 3G with 2.2 firmware. Any ideas it this works for this one. I dont want to jailbroke my iphone.
Many thanks
April 9th, 2009 at 10:09 pm
Thanks a lot
Mr. Muhammad Shahzad Sarwar
you seriously rock man….i just recharged my card, and it got over like the speed of light..lolzzz….no but it really worked and once again thnx a lot…
June 23rd, 2009 at 3:11 pm
Thanks man!! Really helpful post! Never knew anything abt that iphone configuration tool.. To the readers: there is also a PC compatible version of the tool on the Apple Support Website!
Thx again!
August 2nd, 2009 at 10:56 pm
Here’s a snippet on how to disable Edge and 3G without jailbreaking from my site,
If you have an iPhone but didn’t get a data plan be in for a shock after you see your bill. When out of range of a Wi-Fi access point, the iPhone will automatically connect via EDGE/3G periodically incurring expensive charges. Usually 5 cents per kilobyte. Here is how you disable it.
1. Launch Safari on your iPhone
2. Go to
3. Tap the “Disable EDGE/3G” button
4. Tap “Install”
5. Tap “Install Now” to confirm